you need therapy. Repeater

The "you need therapy." Repeater Collection

Why a "you need therapy" repeater?

The integration of "You Need Therapy" in a repeating pattern for our brand reflects our belief that it resonates with individuals who appreciate the importance of mental health awareness and the destigmatization of seeking support. From a style-conscious perspective, this design conveys the message that fashion is a versatile canvas for self-expression and a constant reminder to encourage open conversations about emotional well-being.

From a mental health viewpoint, the repeating pattern of "You Need Therapy" emphasizes the significance of promoting self-care and normalizing discussions about mental health. It encourages a continuous culture of honesty and compassion, reminding us that seeking therapy is a sign of strength, no matter how often it's repeated. By weaving these values into our brand, we bridge the gap between fashion and mental health. This design serves as an enduring reminder that our clothing is not just attire but a declaration of support for mental health, positioning us as a brand that values not only how you look but also the ongoing impact you can make on your own well-being and the well-being of others through style and advocacy.